On the Day of his Father's Wedding:  A Parent Remarries
Storey Wilkins Photography
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On the Day of his Father's Wedding: A Parent Remarries

On the day of his father's wedding he stares into the camera with a deep intensity. The colourful painting in the background helps to deepen the impact of this portrait.

As a Toronto wedding photographer, I photograph second weddings with joy and enthusiasm. I find that photography at second weddings has an extra layer of emotional significance for the families. Often there are children of the couple involved in the wedding. They sometimes have their own friends, partners, spouses and children there too.

The list of important photographs that I ask the couple to prepare in advance becomes especially necessary here as there are often more shots than normal. It is a pleasure for me to record second weddings for my very special couples. It documents the start of their next journey together in life.

Location: private residence in Lawrence Park Toronto.

Keywords: kids (43), parents (24), portrait (82), second wedding, toronto (74). 1/500; f/1.4; ISO 2000; 50.0 mm.